March 19, 2014


My office is doing an incentive-based fitness program, wherein employees track time spent exercising and fruit/veg intake. If you clear the fairly low bar, you get extra PTO. This is good, and so I am participating, even though such programs are more aimed at getting people to exercise, than getting obsessives to turn in data.

But I have begun to turn in said data, which has had the unfortunate consequence of outing the depths of my indulgence.

The bad: I'm forced to somewhat talk about myself, and my running. If you can believe it, I'm actually very slow to share personal details in "real life", and am far too self-conscious about my (slow, relative to my perpetually fantastical expectations) running. Also, I'm getting the "knee talk" from a few people.

The good: A number of people in my department seem genuinely enthusiastic about creating positive exercise habits, and eating better. Those things have gone a long way in creating the life I presently have, and continue to shape it, so I'm always happy to see people taking those steps. Also, while I'm reluctant to talk specifically about my fitness endeavors, I love speaking about the subject more abstractly. Why yes, I would like to talk about how you might do a 5K in a few months. More than you want to hear, assuredly.

So, on balance, this is a good thing. Something I'd like to see more of, though I'm not at all sure about potential ideas, or how to then implement them.

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