July 27, 2013


There is a great deal of debate in both the philosophy and physics communities about whether our perception of time as a linear construct is accurate. To imagine that it is anything but is somewhere between trippy and impossible; to accept that reality could be anything other than how we perceive it is simply difficult.

But we're already there.

For instance: Something that appears red - a rose, say - appears that way because of the wavelengths that reach our eyes, and our ability to perceive and interpret them. But look at it through glasses with blue lenses (you have those, right?), and the rose is red no longer. Our perception of it has changed, and yet we remain confident that it remains truly red, despite the fact that our eyes now tell us differently.

Tangent aside, perception is malleable, and not wholly accurate. We trust it because we have nothing else to trust, really, and to cast too much doubt upon it would send us into an abyss of Cartesian depths.

So let's not go there.

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